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Learn: Understanding Web Applications I

What is this for?

I am writing this for people that have taken interest in Computer Science / Software Development / Web in general and have struggled to differentiate between Client Development and Web.

Who is this for?

This really is for the beginners and for people who are just interested in how things work.


There are many types of software that are being develop nowadays. From pure desktop clients, embedded systems, operating systems, database software, web applications, etc., there are software developers out there taking an interest in certain fields. Web Development has come a long way from where it started. 

Understanding Web

One of the main differences between a web applications and some of the traditional desktop applications is that web applications aren't installed in the user's desktop. Web Applications are generally accessed by a user through a browser - for example Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. When a user types in the URL, the browser sends a request to the server. The destination for the request is determined by DNS (Domain Name System). The DNS keeps track of human readable names to the actual IP addresses these machines are located in. This is similar to an address book where we can look up Jane Doe's house and the we'll see the actual address of the house. These requests and protocol transport can be talked about in a whole separate section. 

You'll see the below flow for a web request originating from a computer.

Image of browser request and response
Image of browser request / response


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