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The Best Green Tea Ice Cream

Shinsengumi Hakata Ramen Green Tea Ice Cream
Shinsengumi Hakata Ramen Green Tea Ice Cream

We have tried a lot of green tea ice cream from different restaurants and even packaged ones from the stores. But not one of it can make us crave like the green tea ice cream at Shinsengumi. 

This ice cream has a really good balance. It's not too sweet and it's not too bitter. You'll be able to taste a hint of green tea. Pair that off with the red beans on the side and and it's awesome. 


  1. Japan has rich custom of its tea culture and there are a few areas in Japan which are well known for their tea creation. Matcha green tea has hundreds of years prior importance in Japanese tea culture thus it has recorded criticalness too. matcha private label


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