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Video Games: Madden 17 NYG-CLE First Drive Analysis

Playing video games have always been a hobby and on top of that I love playing the Madden Series. Although, I don't buy it yearly; the notion of building your own franchise has always been an interesting thing. So I thought this would be a good time to start a post that analyzes my first offensive drive in each Madden game I play from now on.

On this post, we'll take a look at the Season 1, New York Giants - Cleveland Browns. This first offensive drive that we would look at started with a touch back from the kickoff. Cleveland just scored a touchdown and we're immediately down 7 - 0.

First play, I thought there was a good gap on the right hand side of the line. So I audible and changed the play to a run play.

The second play was a RB screen pass that I thought would've worked. But instead the defense made a good play slicing through the blockers and tackling the RB for a 4 yard loss.

On 3rd and 9, Shephard gets open up in the middle for a long pass. This worked because the safety had to help on the other side. So you'll need to read the safety on this play. If the safety moves to your left, the middle part of the field opens up.

At 2:42 of the video, you can view another play that you can read the safety. When the play starts, you'll see the safety move to the middle of the field. This leaves Cruz one on one with the corner. Do a little check if he's up front. And lob it to him for a long gain.

A few plays later, blocks work and we score a touchdown.

Watch the video when you can. :) 


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